The Distorted Perception of Perfect

Life Coaching for Self Image
During the turn of the 21st century, it seemed as if the full-figured body type for women was making a comeback. Celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Shakira even started becoming famous for their curvy, anti-conformative body types. The media and commentators alike jumped on board and prasied them. Yet since this, it seems like the world has fallen back into a thinsessed society. What happened?
More and more life coaches today have clients who deal with body issues ranging from exercise addiction to emotional overeating. The concept of image in our society requires that we be perfect - but the consequence of trying to obtain perfection has caused severe emotional and psychological repurcussions. Yet there is a light at the end of the tunnel - and it doesn't require extensive therapy or medical treatment.
Diet and Exercise Life Coaches
Men and women alike have found that contacting a diet life coach is less formal that therapy, yet just as effective. Life coaching for diet and exercise is a great way to take a healthy, balanced look at the root of image issues and address them properly. There's hope - whatever is holding you back from becoming healthy, whether it's emotional eating or an eating disorder, it can be addressed and discovered with the help of a professionally trained life coach.
To read more about diet life coaches and the different kinds of things they help clients with, visit our diet life coach page.